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Bunions is a deformity impacting the big toe and in some cases the 5th toe (tailors bunion). Hypermobility and lack of joint stability within the feet leads to a shift in the metatarsal joint leading to the appearance of the classic "bump". 


Risk Factors :


- Genetics (family history of bunions)

- Faulty mechanical structure of the foot.

- Foot type :  shape and structure (flat feet)

- Hypermobile “loose” joints and hyper flexibility “loose tendons”

-Loss of medial stability

- Footwear: unstable, high heels, narrow toe box

Treatment options:


Please contact us, at malvern foot and ankle clinic, for more information on the latest treatment methodologies.

- Footwear Modification

- Bunion Pads, Splints

- Avoidance of aggravating activities

- Ice, Strap/taping

- Muscle strengthening to stabilise feet –short feet exercise

- Joint manipulation, manual therapies

- Address Muscle tightness

- Custom orthotics to correct biomechanical abnormalities

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