Debridement of top protective callous is critical to ensure any treatment ointment is penetrating into the lesion.
silver nitrate
liquid nitrogen
salicylic acid
Combination treatment works best for fast eradication of the virus.
Contact us today to get started!
Warts are skin lesions caused by the HPV virus. They are often left unchecked by the body as the virus hijack the cells, resulting in failure of detection by the immune system.
Warts often start off as small raised dots that resemble callous- as it forms a layer of hard skin on top to protect itself. If left unchecked and untreated, it can spread and form large vascular growth and projections.
They are infectious, thus if sharing showers/bathrooms, it can spread from one person to another.
Warts love warm, moist environments and impacts children and teenagers predominantly. Pools, gyms and other common areas where barefoot walking is involved are common locations of spread.